NOTICE: We are actively addressing technical issues to enhance your shopping experience. Although our website is operational, please note:
  • Our shipping database is temporarily disabled for maintenance, impacting the final step of your purchase process. 
  • Product categories may inaccurately display 'out of stock' status; however, individual product variants will show availability.
In the meantime, feel free to browse our products, compare prices, and add items to your cart as usual.
Please contact your Business Consultant directly to finalize the process and to get rates 800-327-5555 press 9, or email:

We appreciate your patience and understanding as we iron out these wrinkles.
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Click on product image or more information.

At Hair Visions International™, we are focused on the goals and aspirations of our employees, our customers, and their clients. We are creating a company, culture, products, and services that form an attractive and beneficial environment for all those in our industry; requiring integrity, accountability, and respect, squarely facing all challenges. The customer experience is at the heart of everything we do. We want everyone to have a positive, convenient, and easy journey, and to communicate that to others.